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Home Paralegals Women's Resource Centre Looking for work Knowing what you want and developing a list of dream employers

Knowing what you want and developing a list of dream employers

This guide aims to help jobseekers clarify their ideal role and find their dream employer during a job search or career transition. Even if you already have an idea, answering these questions will help you gain a deeper understanding of your preferences and reasons behind them. It emphasizes the importance of knowing what you want and being able to identify and pursue the right opportunities effectively.

The three primary topics covered in this guide include:

  1. Identifying your ideal role
  2. Identifying your ideal employer
  3. How to develop a list of dream employers

This guide also emphasizes quality over quantity in networking and job applications, encouraging a focused and selective approach. It includes checklists, questions for deeper self-reflection and additional resources for further guidance in the job search process. Read the full guide and learn how to secure your ideal job with your dream employer.  

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