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Professionalism Case Studies for Study Groups

A study group is a group of lawyers or paralegals who meet to discuss information and concepts related to their area of practice.   A study group session of two or more lawyers or paralegals that is organized for the purpose of discussing content that comes within the CPD definition is eligible for CPD Hours.  

In order for study group participants to claim credit for Professionalism CPD Hours, they can:

  • Use one or more of the Law Society’s Accredited Professionalism Case Studies, or
  • Develop their own case studies or discussion materials and apply for professionalism accreditation of the study group.

The Law Society’s Accredited Professionalism Case Studies

The Law Society has developed a series of Professionalism Case Studies that describe an actual situation in which a lawyer or paralegal is faced with a decision involving one or more ethical, professional responsibility, practice management, or equality, diversity and inclusion issues.  Because the Law Society’s Professionalism Case Studies have been accredited for Professionalism Hours, an application for accreditation is not required.

Each Professionalism Case Study discussed in a study group is eligible for up to one hour of professionalism credit.  The total amount of Professionalism Hours claimed will depend on the duration of the group session and the number of case studies discussed.  For example, if a study group takes three hours to discuss two Professionalism Case Studies, participants may only claim up to two hours of professionalism for that group session.  Conversely, if a study group takes 30 minutes to discuss one Professionalism Case Study, participants may only claim 30 minutes of professionalism credit.

Law Society Accredited Professionalism Case Studies:

Each Professionalism Case Study has its own Facilitator Guide. The Guides include learning objectives, suggested topics and sample discussion questions.

Law Society FAcilitator Guides: 

To assist lawyers and paralegals with using the Law Society’s Accredited Professionalism Case Studies, the following resources have been developed:

Other Professionalism Case Studies

Study groups who develop their own professionalism case study or discussion materials may seek accreditation of Professionalism Hours from the Law Society of Ontario. To seek professionalism accreditation, study group participants and/or the facilitator should complete an Application for Accreditation of Alternate Eligible Educational Activities.  See the Law Society’s Application CPD Accreditation for Licensees webpage for more information.

Additional Resources

Terms or Concepts Explained