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Planning the Program

Quick Tips

  • Determine the program’s learning objective with your CPD planner 
  • Discuss any potential competing programs or events with your CPD planner
  • Adjust the program content to the experience level of the target audience
  • Identify potential presenters with your planner (Note: Presenters must meet CPD approval)
  • Strive for diversity (gender, firm size, location, personality, etc.) when selecting presenters
  • Remind presenters they must contribute high-quality materials (research or opinion paper, precedents, detailed checklist, etc.) to complement their presentation
  • Encourage presenters to interact with the audience, e.g., questions, brief polls, etc. 
  • Participate in pre-program meetings with presenters and your CPD planner to refine topics and avoid overlap in presentations
  • Respect all deadlines (e.g., presenter recruitment, agenda, materials) to keep the program on track
Terms or Concepts Explained