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Guide to developing a flexible work arrangement

Are you a woman legal professional looking to achieve a better work-life balance and adapt to changing work environments? Originally developed in collaboration with law firms participating in the Law Society's Justicia Project, this guide has been updated to provide a comprehensive resource for legal professionals looking for flexible work arrangements (FWAs). Whether you're seeking a reduced schedule, remote work, or other forms of flexibility, this guide empowers you to pursue a fulfilling legal career while maintaining a healthier work-life balance.

The guide outlines what to consider when requesting a flexible work arrangement, including:

  • Exploring flexible work arrangements: The guide defines FWAs as a range of work structures altering the time, place, or amount of work done regularly. It covers common FWAs such as reduced hours, remote work, compressed work weeks and job sharing, helping you explore options that match your lifestyle and needs.
  • Eligibility and evolution: The eligibility criteria for FWAs have expanded in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The guide explains who is now eligible and offers insights into the impact of FWAs on articling terms.
  • Benefits and considerations: The guide underscores the benefits of FWAs, particularly their role in improving work-life balance and supporting career development. It also delves into factors to consider when requesting an FWA, guiding you through critical aspects such as communication, creating a proposal, collaborating with colleagues, and ensuring client service remains exceptional.
  • Formalizing the arrangement: When you are ready to make your FWA request, the guide provides practical steps to initiate and formalize the process. From scheduling an informal discussion with key stakeholders to crafting a written proposal, it offers tips and templates to ensure your request is thoroughly considered.
  • Navigating compensation and benefits: The guide helps you comprehend different compensation structures and bonus options and it emphasizes the importance of having these agreements documented in writing to prevent misunderstandings.
  • Sustaining success and review: Learn how to keep your FWA productive and mutually beneficial for both you and your employer, including regular evaluations and adjustments.

Dive into the comprehensive guide by clicking on the tile below and take control of your legal career and work-life balance.

Note: This guide does not offer legal advice but serves as a roadmap for understanding and requesting FWAs effectively.
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